
Taken On the Esplanade Bridlington 1955

Courtesy of George Cockburn

Left to right

Barry Motramme (Motram ??)

Leslie Harker (N.Ireland)

Bill Cameron

Alan Leaf (Ex Army Pay Corp)

Denton Evans (From Falklands lived Kenya)

Photo taken in 1952 outside the hut. The other one, standing, was known as Ginger and was from Bristol, I think. The other "sat down" was a local lad who was a day pupil. I'm afraid the memory gets thin! Brian Flinders (Bryn) was from Huddersfield Tony Terry married a Brid girl (Sally something) and did eventually work at one of the Atomic Power stations in Lancashire. I stayed at sea until 1959 and then went into television in Australia, New Zealand, Far East and the UK (in that order) doing everything from engineering to selling to company managing to project managing the 1988 and 1992 build of the International Television Centres for NBC New York coverage of the Olympic Games (amongst many other things).

Cricket Team 1952-53

Dave Craddock-John Ford-Dave Green-Ian Patrick

Terry Crowther-Peter Kelly-John Hepworth-Jim Aitchison

Mac France-Bill Roberts-?

RNLI Flag Day 1952-53

Ian Patrick-Bill Roberts-Terry, Peter Kelly (center all in white) Crowther-Jim Aitchison-Peter Roberts

My name is Mike Ward, I joined the NESWT Brid. in 1955. Can't

remember all of my class, the ones I can remember are Barry mottram,

Barry Hartley, Gil Elks, the other two whose names escape me were an ex.

national service gent and a younger chap from Robinhoods bay.I left

Brid in 1956 with a 1st class pmg (after a morse retest?).

I am from Sheffield and knew Dave Sturdy very well. We did infact both

work for BT,and subsequently went to night school together for 3 years.

My other close Brid. associate whom I still visit is Glen Winters who

unfortunately has health problems, he is infact my oldest friend, and

joined NESWT one tem after me. I spent all of my sea time with Blue

Funnel and became land bound in 1994. One of my son's obtaine a DVD of

Blue Flu and sent it to me for Fathers day, this inspired? this mail.

Enjoyed you web page enormously, thanks for the memories.   Mike Ward





i have just found your thread about brid r/o college i was there in 57 58 with my good friend Peter Jackson and all the other guys he has mentioned in his thread. i too remember all the great good looking girls at Brid i think that was a reason it took to pass my Pmg  i would love to contact Pete Jackson again we lost contact when he went into the Royal Navy and i went my happy way with United Towing company and a few foreign flag ships before very reluctantly in the early eighties coming ashore to the boring job at BT and kingston comms in Hull where i retired in 2001 . i still often drive up to Brid and all the memories come flooding back, the Brunswick pub the Galleon cafe on the slope down to the harbour even took the wife and grand children down shaftsbury  road ans showed them where the school used to be. Some grweat guys were there also Angela Firman Mr Mac and the big Latvian tutor whose name escapes me now, also a guy called Ray Pilgrim who did a little bit of teaching if i recall oh happy days and all those wonderful girls cant we turn the clock back ha ha i promise to study harder. All the best to everyone Keith Appleyard.

Picture below

(sat on pavement) Far left Dave Sibley, 4th from left Peter Jackson, 3rd from left Me, 6th from left Graham Glover. Stood with hands in pockets is Ken Galoway and stood next to him Jim Tomlinson.

Added by Peter Jackson

Standing extreme right - possible Johnny Wilson

Standing 2nd from right - Ray Pilgri

Next to him sitting on the fence - Ben Ford

Next to Ben, Ian Nicholson from Castleford



I was a student at NESWT in 1957/58 and enjoyed every singel minute of my time in Brid.  The girls were wonderful in those days - especially those of the High School - still remember all their names, and Jackie Shaw of Shaw's fish n chip shop!!

My contemporaries, only a couple of whom I met again, were as follows:-

Mr Maclean - Chief Instructor - did he ever have a Christian name?

Tony Edison - from Spofforth

Jim Tomlinson - near Leeds

Ken Barton - Bradford

Roger Huxley

Mick LeMarche - his folks had a wee post office in Warminster I think. After he married he lived on the Isle of Wight - sadly he went down in the Far East on one of these supertankers.(MS Berge Istra bulk oil/ore carrier) when she blew up en passage Brazil-Japan. Date was around 30 Dec 1975.)

Ian Nicholson - from Castleford - sported a goatie beard

Chris Chambers - the guy I met later in life - after some years at sea, joined GCHQ - I met him there around 1982-88. He was still married to the girl he met in Bridington

Mick Phillips - he joined the RN as a sparker - so did I. We met in a taxi in Plymouth on our way back to the dockyard one night! I was with the Dartmouth Squadron at the time

A guy called Scott - cant remember his xtian name - just known as Scotty. Met him in Pompey a coupld of times during a run ashore - I think!

George Dawes - a Cumbrian, like myself, from Patterdal

Angela Firman - at NESWT same time as myself - first female Brit Radio Officer. Found a website of some folks looking for her - married a Norwegian Sparker I think - sadly Angela died in 2005 I think.

There were others of course but the passing of time has sadly erased their names from my memory bank

Please feel at liberty to use any of this information - in return I would be very interested to hear from any of them if you have contact details

Another name springs to mind - Keith Appleyard was a contemporary of mine, and a good friend. He took me home to Wetherby several weekemds.  He had been a bell-boy on the 'Empire Fowey', then after Brid he joined the tug Englishman running out of Hull.  Lost touch with him after that.

Jackie Shaw had lots of friends - a wee girl called Maureen I do recall, and friends of her vintage from the High School.  Just for interest here's a few names - your wife may remember: Angela Fowler, Angela Whittaker, Sue Cook, Sue Brown, Sue Hawkins, Margaret Wood, Jo Gibson, Kath Burton.  Curious how some names come to mind, but then Brid for me was probably one of the happiest times of my life.

Regards - Peter Jackson


update received May 2011

I am now firmly in touch with Keith Appleyard after all these years. He is living in Hull - we correspond quite regularly and swap dits on

things we remember from our time in Brid.  Also Graham Glover - he isnow in Oz and I exchanged a Skype call with him some weeks ago

Keith also put me in touch with an ex g/f of mine, name of Kath Burton so we are now back in touch - god knows where that will lead!!!  Sad to relate however that Kath's sister Millie married James (Jim) Tomlinson

(NESWT 57-59) - both Jim and Millie 'crossed the bar' some wo years ago.

Graham Glover

Here are a few more to add to your Classes collection.

Johnny Wilson, Jim Tomlinson, Dave Sibley, Peter Jackson, Jack Knott (RMS Oriana), Mike Hesse, also a fellow nicknamed "Jungle" Jim who also came from Kenya but I can't remember his Surname, and the very First British Women R/O Angela Furman, a Brid girl Day Student (actually, I went out her for a while).

Bit more info on NESWT - another friend there was Tony Edison (1959-60) who was also a prefect.

M brother Terence (nicknamed "Kenya") was there from 1953-55 & at 15 years old was the youngest pupil at the School.

He left when he got his 2nd Class PMG and went on the ss Reina del Pacifico.

I met Mary at The Spa Royal Hall in 1959 so it will soon be 50 years. Enclosed photos of us at our wedding which was at the beautiful old Bessingby Church, also my brother & I, he was my Best Man. Our Wedding Reception was @ the Star Inn, Old Town.


Grahams Pictures Below


Bill Cameron



Hello Tony,



My name is Paul Tatum and I have been introduced to you and NESWT web site by Fred and Carol Walkington who I have just met on a holiday touring Iceland. It never occurred to me to search for the school in all these years !! so its been a nostalgic trip back to 1952-54 when I was there, but the memories are now getting foggy. I have fond memories of my time there.I have also been surprised to find a photo on the site " Wireless school Spar Bar summer 1952 " which includes me -far right front as a callow 16 year old youth. I dont even remember it being taken.


I joined the M.N 1954 from the school sailed with Marconi co. for 4 years then 3 years with T&J Brocklebanks. Met my wife came ashore and joined Post Office which became B.T in 1961 and served 8 years at Humber Radio (GKZ) then moved in 1969 to Somerset where I worked at Portisheadradio (GKA) until 1992 when redundancy came due to satellite technology. and we have been here ever since. Incidentally I also see on the web the names of terry gardner and gill elks who were here at GKA. Gill is still living about 10 miles from me. I also remember Phill Marriot, and also Dave Pike both ex NESWT,who was also here at GKA but sadly no longer with us. Anyway thanks for the web site and the memories etc. All the best and kind regards Paul





Hi Tony,


I have only recently discovered this web site.

My name is Colin Hall. I was at NESWT during 1956 - 1958 taking a 2nd class PMG and then converting to a 1st class PMG.

I know Paul Tatum and Neville Edwards, who have posted here, from working at GKA. I was there from 1972 until 1991 and therefore knew those mentioned in Paul's post.

Names from my period at NESWT, in no particular order, are Keith Barber, Tony Berrigan, Terry Coward, Vic Smeeton, Pete McMeeking, John Walton, Jim Gellatly, Sam Culpan, and many more who's names now escape me. Also John (GJ) Davies who became an instructor and I then met again at GKA. Dave Easton who I later sailed with on Orsova/GNDL and thence he was on the BI school ships as was I. He was CRO on Devonia and I was 2RO on Dunera.. Having left Orsova in 1965 I went to Hull Tech for my radar ticket and there met John Mennell who was studying for a 1st class PMG having transferred from NESWT when it closed. We then both were on Dunera/GBBR from 1966, he as CRO and I was 2RO. When she was scrapped in 1967 we went to Uganda/GFRQ being converted to a school ship in Germany.

Staff at NESWT I remember as Mac, of course, who did technical instruction.  An ex R/O Jim ??? doing morse and regs and also a Latvian, previously mentioned in a post, who I thought was named Smidt but I see he has posted here under the name Sniedze. Memory does play tricks!  An interesting character as he had been in the German army towards the end of WW2 as a sixteen year old.

From Uganda I got married and left the sea to take up a post in Bermuda at the Marine and Ports Department radio station Bermuda Harbour Radio/ZBM for three years. I then came back to work at GKA for 20 years. When redundancy came due to satellite technology I went to work in Bristol for a division of P&O, Peninsular Electronics, in radio traffic accounting (GB06) for six years. I then became semi-retired until reaching OAP age.

I have kept in touch with John Mennell through BI reunions and also Dave Easton through those and also mutual BI friends. John died three or four years ago but Dave is still around in East Yorks.

I still live in Somerset near to Burnham though regarded as not quite a native after 50 years residence!


